Our Student Chaplaincy team are at the heart of so many things at Cardinal Wiseman! From Collective Worship to Fundraising, Humanitarian Aid responses to Primary School links and so much more, we are so incredibly proud of this group of dedicated students. Selected through a rigorous application process, representatives from each formation group across each year group offer their time and enthusiasm to serve our Catholic community - they are incredible witnesses for our whole community and we are so proud of all they do.

Y7 team

Y8 team

Y9 team
This year, our student chaplaincy team have two focus’; Mission and Service.
Our Mission team are looking to support the whole mission of our school, with a particular focus on collective worship - they will help to make this as relevant and accessible as possible through evaluation and pupil voice, working closely with staff to ensure it is the best it can be.
Our Service team will have a particular focus on this real charism of our school - acts of service for others. Through organisation and promotion of fundraising and humanitarian responses in school, the service team will encourage our whole school community to answer Jesus’ call to love our neighbours both locally and across the world.

Y10 Team

Y11 Senior Team
A dedicated group of Y11 students have this year offered to serve as part of the Senior Chaplaincy Team. Throughout the year, they will be role models across all aspects of the school, encouraging one another and the younger pupils to embrace all things related to Catholic Life! One particular role that this group of students undertake is to share all that Chaplaincy is at our Open Evenings for prospective students and are always commented upon as enthusiastic and inspirational young people!