“The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that simple word - extra”

Extra Curricular Activities
‘The range of activities on offer, and the way in which the school encourages participation in these, help pupils to become active and responsible citizens.’ – Ofsted Sept 2016
There is a wealth of opportunity for learning experiences beyond the normal curriculum. Here are some examples of the different activities that we provide.
- PE sports activities a range of activities each year including football, netball, swimming, table tennis, basketball
- Debating – opportunity to improve communication and debating skills and work towards regional and national competitions.
- Art – develop your artistic skills
- Craft Club – Get creative and learn how to use different craft skills which to make fabulous products.
- Chess Club
- Prayer - opportunity for all students and staff to take part in the Catholic life of the school. To come together in prayer three times a week and get ready for the day ahead
- Geography Club and History Workshops
- Science Club - experiments, science skills and a bit of gardening too!
- Computing Club
- BBC School Report
- Cardinal Wiseman Enterprise
“Performing Arts is a great way for students to gain confidence and try new things e.g. Showtime is an event where students can showcase their dance, drama and musical talents.” – Year 8 pupil
Reasons why pupils should get involved in extra-curricular activities?
- Improve your academic performance
- Make new friends with people who have a similar interest
- Improve your social skills
- Learn new skills
- Extend your knowledge and understanding
- When applying to schools and colleges it shows that you are an interesting person – they like to know how you spend your free time.
“Being part of the school football team is amazing because I like to develop my skills, improve my teamwork and get the opportunity to represent my school whilst doing something I love”. Year 7 pupil
Birmingham Catholic Secondary Schools Events
Pupils at Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School get to represent their school at a range of different events and competitions throughout the year alongside other secondary schools from Birmingham, Solihull and Coventry. These events are great opportunities for our pupils to perform and compete against the best students from 12 secondary schools. This helps to improve their performance and inspires them to aim higher.
Here are some of the events that pupils will be taking part in this academic year:
- Performing Arts Event
- KS3 and KS4 Maths Challenge
- KS3 and KS4 Public Speaking Competition
- STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) Event
- Swimming Gala
- Chess Competition
PE Events (a range of competitions throughout the year)

A wide range of enrichment activities support the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils effectively. These activities include trips and visits, including visits to science museums, a retreat in France and a visit to Oxford University for the most able. Pupils can also enter inter-school sporting as well as debating competitions or musical and drama performances. Ofsted Sept 2016
We promote healthy competition across the school with our House System. All pupils represent their house group which helps to develop a team spirit e.g. Sports Day.

Educational Visits and Trips
Many educational visits take place every year at various times, to a diverse range of locations. These specialist trips are aimed to educate, inspire and provide new experiences for our pupils including:
- Paris – ‘Maths is Everywhere’ – visit one of the world’s greatest capital cities whilst improving your understanding of Maths.
- London – be inspired by the world of Science
- Retreats to numerous pastoral centres including Savio House and Alton Castle
- Trips to Oxford University for the most able pupils
- Theatre visits to gain a better understanding of set texts in English and Drama
- Shakespearience – a trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon.
- a visit to the British Science Festival at Birmingham University for the most able Scientists
- Birmingham Through the Ages – understand the history of the city that you live in.
- as part of the Arts Across the City trip, Year 7 students attend a concert at Symphony Hall in the International Convention Centre

“Having the opportunity to perform a duet during Mass gave me an immense confidence boost. I loved that I got to exhibit my talent infront of the whole school at such a sacred time” – Year 7 pupil

When pupils start school, staff give them a ‘pupil pledge’ that lists 15 ‘things you should do before leaving school’. This pledge includes activities such as ‘take part in a residential trip’, ‘help to make a change in your community’, and ‘visit a place of non-Christian worship’. – Ofsted Sept 2016