Holidays should not be taken during term time.
Birmingham City Council Guidance states the following:
Absence from school interrupts teaching and learning and compromises progress. Birmingham City Council therefore seeks to support Birmingham schools and academies in reducing the amount of education lost to pupils from leave of absence in term time. Birmingham City Council strongly discourages pupil leave of absence during term time. The expectation is that such leave would only be authorised in the most exceptional circumstances.
If you decide to take time for holidays in term time and this has not been authorised, you will receive a fixed penalty notice of £60 per parent per child. The payment will need to be paid within 21 days of its issue and, if it isn’t paid the amount due will rise to £120 (and this will again need to be paid within 28 days to avoid potential prosecution
Please use the following form for any exceptional leave requests:
This must be returned to: [email protected]
Please note if your child is absent with no contact from home over an extended period this will trigger separate safeguarding procedures.