
A Whole-School Celebration

As a Catholic school, comprised of both practicing and non-practicing Catholics, member of other Christian denominations, and other faith communities, The Liturgy of the Eucharist contained within the Mass setting is the primary means by which we participate in communal worship.

Over the centuries, the language of the Liturgy has been updated to reflect the setting within which it is celebrated. However, one thing has remained constant: The Mass has always been the central form of Catholic worship.

Cardinal Wiseman Catholic School is connected to the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption, Maryvale, which is overseen by Father Th, the Parish Priest. The Parish is part of the wider Catholic community of The Birmingham Archdiocese.

Whole school Mass is celebrated in the Parish Church, next door. This usually falls upon Holy Days of Obligation – special days in the in the church calendar designated as most important for Catholics to attend Mass. Furthermore, whole school Mass is usually celebrated on the last Friday of each term.


Individual Form group Mass

In addition to the whole school Mass, there is the opportunity for each student to celebrate Mass in their form group, at least once during the year. This ‘Class Mass’ will be celebrated in the school chapel, with the Parish priest.

This is Mass is preceded by ‘Mass Prep’, a where the lay chaplain will spend a lesson going through the symbolism and significance of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is important because it gives students the opportunity to both more fully understand, in a pastoral setting, and participate in the Liturgy. For example, students will have opportunities to Altar Serve, read scripture, and sing.  


What’s so special about Mass?

It strengthens faith - Early Christians gathering to celebrate the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, linking the sacrifice of Christ on the Cross, its representation in the Mass, and the strengthening of the faith of Christians.

It reveals spiritual mystery - Catholics believe that in the Mass, the same Christ who offered himself once on the altar of the cross, is present and offered in the host offered by the Priest during the Mass. When the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, Christ is truly present on the altar.