Mr R Swanwick


[email protected]
Leadership and Management, Governance, Financial Management, Personnel and HR, Recruitment and Retention

Mrs C Stoker

Deputy Headteacher

[email protected]
Quality of Education including all aspects of curriculum
English teacher

Mrs C Riley

Senior Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
ECT Induction lead, Health & Safety, First Aid, Website, GDPR. Parental contact. Pupil leadership.
Science teacher

Mr A Beckett

Senior Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Safeguarding (DSL) and Personal Development including Formation. Character Lead.
Music teacher

Dr L Beavan

Senior Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Behaviour & Attitudes (including Emmaus, Jericho and centralised cover); Deputy DSL; Geography teacher

Mrs E Buckle

Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Pupil mental health / wellbeing; Careers; Citizenship; Staff wellbeing; Staff induction; Pupil Voice. DSL and part of the MHFA team.
History teacher.

Miss S Kelly

Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Catholic Life, Attendance and Character Lead
English teacher

Miss L McMenamin

Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Data and Assessment, Quality of Education
RE teacher

Mr L Crawford

Assistant Headteacher

[email protected]
Quality of education including CPD and independent learning.
English teacher.